One Piece is recognized as one of the most beloved anime series of all time, created by Eiichiro Oda, with the manga first published in 1997 and the anime in 1999. For many years, fans have been captivated by the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy, a young pirate with aspirations of becoming the Pirate King. Through the various sagas of One Piece, he gathers his crew and embarks on a treasure hunt supreme in this world!
With so many years of history, it is clear that the plot is divided into several arcs and sagas. That is exactly why we have prepared this complete guide, with all the arcs of One Piece, indicating which ones are One Piece filler and the correct order to watch this which is one of the biggest hits in the Japanese industry. Let's go?
Saga 1: East Blue

The first saga of the anime is East Blue, where we meet the protagonist Luffy and how he gained his Devil Fruit powers while he was still a child. Then we are taken to the beginning of his journey, where he begins to recruit a crew to set out in search of One Piece. It is in this saga that we are introduced to Roronoa Zoro, Nami, Usopp and Sanji. All the arcs of One Piece in this saga are:
- Arc 1: goes from episode 1 to episode 4, called “Romance Dawn/Captain Morgan”;
- Arc 2: goes from episode 5 to episode 8 and in it we are introduced to the first major antagonist of the series. The name of the arc is “Orange Town/Buggy, the clown”;
- Arc 3: goes from episode 9 to episode 18 and is called “Syrup Village”;
- Arc 4: goes from episode 19 to episode 30 and is called “Baratie Arc”;
- Arc 5: goes from episode 31 to episode 45, called “Arlong Park Arc”;
- Arc 6: composed of episodes 46 and 47, called “Buggie Gang Arc: After the Battle!”;
- Arc 7: consisting of episodes 45 and 48 to episode 53, called “Loguetown Arc”;
- Arc 8: it goes from episode 54 to 61, composed of fillers and called “Millennial Dragon”;
Saga 2: Alabasta

Alabasta is the second saga, also known as “Baroque Works”. In it, Luffy already has his crew, which became known as the Straw Hat Crew, and together they are willing to help the character named Nefertari Vivi, before a war breaks out in their country. In the midst of this objective, some rivals are trying to prevent Luffy and his crew from reaching Alabasta. These are all the arcs of One Piece in this saga:
- Arc 1: includes episodes 62 and 63, called “Reverse Mountain Arc”;
- Arc 2: runs from episodes 64 to 67, known as the “Whiskey Peak Arc”;
- Arc 3: composed of episodes 68 and 69, called the “Coby and Helmeppo Arc”;
- Arc 4: goes from episode 70 to episode 77, called “Little Garden Arc”;
- Arc 5: goes from episode 78 to 91, called “Drum Island Arc”;
- Arc 6: goes from episode 92 to episode 130, called Alabasta;
- Arc 7: goes from episode 131 to episode 135, but it is a filler arc called “Post-Alabasta”;
Saga 3: Skypiea

Of all the arcs in One Piece, Skypiea is the third saga, following the beloved Straw Hats on their adventure in search of One Piece. As always, Luffy and his friends encounter chaos and a war that could destroy Skypiea forever! This saga is made up of numerous fillers, listed below:
- Arc 1: goes from episode 136 to episode 138, being a filler and called “Ilha dos Carneiros”;
- Arc 2: goes from episode 139 to episode 143, also being filler and called “Rainbow Mist”;
- Arc 3: returning to the official story, we have from episode 144 to 152, called “Jaya Arc”;
- Arc 4: goes from episode 153 to 195, called “Skypiea Arc”;
- Arc 5: goes from episode 196 to episode 206, being a filler arc called “G-8”;
Saga 4: Water 7

This is the fourth saga and it's called Water 7, or Enies Lobby/CP9 Saga. The Straw Hats have finally reached the high seas and the dangers this time may be even greater, but they continue in search of the precious One Piece and a carpenter who can join the crew. Here we also begin to see a more active involvement of the Marines, with the participation of Lookout Aokiji! All the arcs of One Piece in this saga are:
- Arc 1: goes from episode 207 to episode 219, called “Davy Back Fight Arc/Long Ring Long Land Arc”;
- Arc 2: goes from episode 220 to episode 224, being a filler arc called “Ocean Dream”;
- Arc 3: composed of episodes 225 and 226, this is a semi-filler arc called “Foxy’s Return”;
- Arc 4: goes from episode 227 to episode 165 and is called “Water 7 Arc”;
- Arc 5: goes from episode 266 to episode 312, called “Enies Lobby Arc”;
- Arc 6: goes from episode 313 to episode 325 and is called “Post-Enies Lobby Arc”;
Saga 5: Thriller Bark

Thriller Bark is the fifth saga and shows us how Luffy and his friends land on a ghost island, which gives the Saga its name. It is in this part that we are introduced to one of the new characters in the crew, Brook, a skeleton who helps the main group face the villain Oars and everyone he brought back to life! This is one of the shortest of all the arcs in One Piece, being:
- Arc 1: goes from episode 382 to episode 384, being a filler arc called “Spa Island”;
- Arc 2: goes from episode 326 to episode 336, also being a filler arc called “Lovely Earth”;
- Arc 3: goes from episode 337 to 381, being part of the official story and called “Thriller Bark Arc”;
Saga 6: Marineford War

Despite being called “Marineford War”, this saga is also known as the “Summit War Saga”, responsible for delimiting the end of the first half of Oda’s anime. Despite always being united, here, Luffy and his friends separate in the Sabaody Archipelago and things get more difficult for our protagonists. All the arcs of One Piece of this memorable saga are:
- Arc 1: goes from episode 385 to episode 407, called “Sabaody Archipelago”;
- Arc 2: goes from episode 408 to episode 421 and is called “Amazon Lily Arc”;
- Arc 3: goes from episode 422 to 425 and is called “Impel Down Arc”;
- Arc 4: goes from episode 426 to episode 429, being a filler arc called “Little Blue Orient”;
- Arc 5: goes from episode 430 to episode 456, being a post filler that continues the story and is called “Impel Down”;
- Arc 6: goes from episode 457 to episode 489 and is called “Marineford Arc”;
- Arc 7: runs from episode 490 to episode 516 and is the “Post-Marineford” arc;
Saga 7: Fishman Island

This saga features the first major timeskip in history, taking the plot two years ahead and making the Straw Hat crew finally reunite on the Sabaody Archipelago. Once they were reunited, they all decided to head to the New World together! However, they must pass through the Fishman Island and confront enemy pirates in the region... All the arcs of One Piece in the Fish-Man Saga are:
- Arc 1: goes from episode 517 to episode 522 and is called “Return to Sabaody Arc”;
- Arc 2: goes from episode 523 to episode 574, called “Fishman Island Arc”;
Saga 8: Pirate Alliance

This is where Luffy and his allies finally arrive in the New World, which brings new problems to the story... The group of good guys finds an old laboratory with numerous illegal experiments and, consecutively, Luffy makes several alliances to go against a conspiracy on Dressrosa Island! All the arcs of One Piece of this saga are:
- Arc 1: goes from episode 575 to 578, being a filler arc called “Z’s Ambition”;
- Arc 2: goes from episode 579 to episode 625, called “Punk Hazard Arc”;
- Arc 3: goes from episode 626 to episode 628, being a filler arc with the name of “Recovering Caesar”;
- Arc 4: goes from episode 629 to episode 746, called “Dressrosa Arc”;
- Arc 5: goes from episode 747 to episode 750, being a filler arc called “Silver Mines”;
Saga 9: Yonko

Of all the arcs of One Piece, this is the most current saga that brings the Yonko, where Kaido is the main villain. An alliance called Ninja-Pirate-Mink was made so that Kaido would be defeated, while Luffy faces Big Mom in order to rescue his cook and friend, Sanji! The arcs of this saga are:
- Arc 1: goes from episode 751 to episode 779, called “Zou”;
- Arc 2: goes from episode 780 to episode 782, being a filler arc called “Marinha Supernova”;
- Arc 3: goes from episode 783 to episode 877, called “Whole Cake”;
- Arc 4: goes from episode 878 to episode 889, called “Reverie”;
- Arc 5: goes from episode 890 to episode 894, called “Wano Country Arc”;
- Arc 6: includes episodes 895 and 896, called “King of Carbonic Acid Arc”;
- Arc 7: goes from episode 897 to 906, called “Wano Country Arc”;
- Arc 8: it is a filler episode (907) and is called “Dawn of Romance Episode”;
- Arc 9: goes from episode 908 to episode 1028, being the continuation of the “Wano Country Arc”;
- Arc 10: includes episodes 1029 and 1030, being a filler arc called “Uta’s Past”;
- Arc 11: goes from episode 1031 to episode 1085, being the continuation of the “Wano Country Arc”;
In addition to the arcs, this saga had countless special recap episodes!
Saga 10: Egghead

After the entire journey faced by Luffy and his friends, we have reached the final phase of Eiichiro Oda's work. After Kaido's defeat, a new direction will be set in the journey of pirates from all over the world and Egghead Island is the new setting for this incredible plot! All the One Piece arcs of this saga are:
- Arc 1: goes from episode 1086 to the present day, called the “Egghead Arc”;

One Piece is still an ongoing work and we can often see chapters of the manga being released. This means that the anime still has a lot of content to be adapted and many arcs are still to come, so we will always keep this article updated, so you don't miss anything from what is one of the most captivating and exciting stories in the otaku world!
And if you like this type of content, anime and manga, be sure to check out our articles on 10 Things You Don't Know About One Piece e Top 10 Strongest Characters in One Piece!