Where to Sell Animal Pelts in Red Dead Redemption 2

Check out essential tips for hunting and trading in the game!

No jogo Red Dead Redemption 2, uma das maneiras mais eficazes de arrecadar dinheiro e melhorar o inventário, é a venda de peles de animais. Essa prática é essencial para o jogador que quer progredir no game e, quanto mais raro for o animal caçado, melhor a quantia para financiar melhorias nos equipamentos, recursos e moradia.

The game hides several places where you can sell these skins, so finding them is the first step to improving your finances in the story's universe. Curious about where to sell animal pelts in Red Dead Redemption 2 and discover the best way to make the most of the skins you hunt? Find out everything below!

Locations to Sell

There are a few spots throughout the map where you can sell animal pelts in Red Dead Redemption 2, these are the 5 trapper shops. There is only one trapper in the game, and he is a merchant who keeps changing his stall. You will find the five shops spread throughout several cities, where one stall is the fixed point and, in the other four, you may or may not find him.

See below the complete guide to all the cities on the map where you can find these points of sale!

Saint Dennis

Map of the city of Saint Denis, in Red Dead Redemption 2
Illustrative Image: Saint Denis / Source: Google Images

In the game, one of the main points to sell animal pelts in Red Dead Redemption 2 is the city called Saint Dennis. Its relevance in the game is due to it being the only point where the trapper remains fixed, that is: whenever you pass by the place, you will find his stall.

The other four outlets are uncertain, where the vendor may or may not be present, as he is always traveling and moving between all these stalls.

 New Hanover

Map of the city of New Hanover, in Red Dead Redemption 2
Illustrative Image: New Hanover / Source: Google Images

The other location to sell animal pelts in Red Dead Redemption 2 is in the city of New Hanover. This is the first uncertain trapper's stall, located east of Elysian Pool. If you look on the map, to get a better geographical idea, the shop is northeast of the letter V, for “Hanover”. But it's worth remembering: the merchant may or may not be there to serve you.

West Elizabeth

Map of the city of West Elizabeth, in Red Dead Redemption 2
Illustrative Image: West Elizabeth / Source: Google Images

E, se você está na região de West Elizabeth, encontrará as últimas três barracas do armadilheiro para vender pele de animal em Red Dead Redemption 2. Cada uma fica em um local da cidade, confira como chegar:

  • The first store is near the Lower Montana River, right on its banks. The region is close to Bear Claw, to the east of the location and, if you look at the map, it is near the letter S for “Tall Trees”;
  • The second shop is in an extreme location, being in the western corner of the map. You can go to the town called Strawberry and from there, head northwest. As you approach Big Valley, you will find the trapper;
  • The third and final store in the area is on top of a hill, specifically between Riggs Station and Straqberry.

How to Earn More with Skins

Selling animal pelts on a Red Dead Redemption 2 basis is a great practice and how much you earn from it depends on many variables. The type of animal hunted, how it was killed, the way its skin was removed, the size of the animal, its rarity... All of this greatly influences the final profit from the sale. Therefore, a great way to earn more from skins is to have high-quality skins!

If you want to know more about the types of animals, which ones are best to hunt, what resources to use and other tips about the game, check out our article on tips for beginners in Red Dead Redemption 2. There you will find many relevant details that will help you make the most of the game experience.


The game can be even more fun and comfortable when you know the best tips for having a great gameplay experience. Therefore, knowing where to sell animal pelt in Red Dead Redemption 2 is a great step towards success in your journey in this universe. And, if you enjoy content about games, be sure to also check out our articles on the 9 best open world games ever! e os 7 melhores jogos de anime do Roblox!

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Flavia Pedro
Historian graduated from UFF - Universidade Federal Fluminense, is a member of the Anime Dicria project, in Rio de Janeiro and works as an SEO Writer on the portal Nerd Popular, with texts published in several blogs, inside and outside Brazil. In addition, he creates content about anime and manga in his spare time.

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