Meet All The Main Characters Of One Punch Man

Meet the main characters of One Punch Man and discover their abilities and stories in the world of heroes and villains!

One Punch Man is the story of a superhero who can defeat his opponents with a single punch, but even so, the main characters of One Punch Man stand out for starring in memorable and exciting fight scenes! Although the series is a few years old, it continues to be a success around the world and the One Punch Man manga has already sold thousands of copies!

So, we’ve prepared this complete guide with a list of the strongest characters in One Punch Man, as well as the main characters in the series. If you’re a fan, you’ll definitely find your favorite character here! Ready for the list?

Carnage Kabuto

Humanoid character in purple and green colors
Illustrative Image: Carnage Kabuto

Starting off our list of One Punch Man main characters, we have Carnage Kabuto. He is among the most powerful and threatening monsters that Saitama has ever faced, mainly due to his ferocious nature. He is not an ordinary character, but rather a mutant with unmatched abilities, standing out for his strength and speed, which are very powerful.

Furthermore, Kabuto is also recognized in his arc for being a creature with an insatiable desire for battle, which made him an opponent that Saitama certainly enjoyed facing, as it took him out of boredom while it lasted.

Atomic Samurai

Samurai character in attack position with a katana in hand
Illustrative Image: Atomic Samurai

Among the main characters in One Punch Man, Atomic Samurai stands out in hand-to-hand combat, especially when it comes to martial arts and handling his katana. As in the One Punch Man universe we have numerous divisions of hero classes, this character is the leader of Class S and one of the most powerful names in the anime, when it comes to speed and swordsmanship.

Deep Sea King

Character with a crown and green hair
Illustrative Image: Deep Sea King

The Deep Sea King, known for his arrogance and cruelty, unleashed true chaos when he emerged from his aquatic kingdom to attack the surface. This villain not only possesses supernatural physical strength, but also has the ability to control water, which amplifies his strength and endurance when wet.

His arrival represented one of the first major tests for the Hero Association, as he faced off against several high-class heroes, defeating them one after another with relative ease. The Deep Sea King's reign of terror ended in a tense battle under torrential rain, which only served to increase his power.

Metal Knight

Character with metal armor
Illustrative Image: Metal Knight

Metal Knight, whose real name is Dr. Bofoi, is a hero shrouded in mystery and controversy within the Hero Association. He is known for his pragmatic and sometimes morally ambiguous approach to heroism, preferring to use his advanced robotic drones in combat rather than personally intervening.

Metal Knight's genius lies in his capacity for technological innovation. He employs a series of robots and machines that he designs and builds himself, making him a key player in situations that require heavy firepower or the rapid reconstruction of destroyed infrastructure.

Dr. Bofoi, despite his crucial role in many of the Hero Association's operations, is often criticized by his peers and superiors for his lack of cooperation and distant approach. He rarely gets directly involved in missions, preferring to send his machines, which raises questions about his true intentions and his view of a "hero".

Bang (Silver Fang)

Elderly character with white hair and beard
Illustrative Image: Bang

Silver Fang, also known as Bang, is one of the most respected heroes in the Hero Association, renowned for his unparalleled mastery of martial arts. With a long career as a hero and teacher, he has trained many students over the years, including his own brother Bomb, and the troubled Garou, one of his most talented disciples who later becomes a villain.

Bang is characterized by his calm and wisdom, often serving as a voice of reason amidst the chaos of battles between heroes and monsters. His fighting technique, the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist, is both elegant and devastating, allowing him to neutralize attacks and counterattack with lethal precision.

Dr. Genus

Injured character
Illustrative Image: Dr. Genus

Despite Saitama being extremely powerful, few people are aware of his true strength, especially due to his fragile and even comical appearance. But Dr. Genus is one of the few main characters in One Punch Man who is able to see the protagonist's true potential.

Dr. Genus is a world-renowned scientist, a successful researcher and the founder/former head of the House of Evolution, which was eventually shut down.

Child Emperor

Child Emperor is one of the youngest and brightest figures in the Hero Association, having distinguished himself not only for his age, but also for his extraordinary intellect and innovative abilities. As a true prodigy, he employs a variety of technological gadgets and weapons that he designs and builds himself to fight crime and monsters.

Despite his youth, Child Emperor possesses a maturity and seriousness that often surpasses that of older heroes. He is often seen as a strategist and leader in the Hero Association's operations, especially in situations that require quick thinking and innovative solutions.


Cyclops character with blue skin and purple hair
Illustrative Image: Boros

Among the main characters of One Punch Man, we also have aliens! Boros, or Lord Boros to his followers, is the great leader of the group known as Dark Matter Thieves, whose goal is to destroy other places, as they did with A-City. Boros has one thing in common with Saitama: he has become so powerful that no confrontation is able to move him, which has led him to an existential crisis like the protagonist's.

Thus, Boros began to make countless intergalactic trips to find opponents who would relieve him of this boredom, which ended up bringing him to Planet Earth, where he found and faced Saitama in a deadly fight.


Character in hero outfit
Illustrative Image: Blast

Some of the main characters in One Punch Man are members of the Hero Association and Blast stands out for being the S-Class professional hero who is, nothing more, nothing less, than the 1st in the hero ranking.

However, his reputation as the “most powerful hero in the Hero Association” is due to the general lack of knowledge of Saitama’s immense strength, but this does not take away from the merit of his power. In the plot, it is possible to see the character collecting countless mysterious cubes, which is seen as a hobby in his free time.


Character in attack position and using powers
Illustrative Image: Garou

Self-proclaimed "Hero Hunter", Garou is one of the main characters in One Punch Man who stands out as a villain, but does not associate himself with any group. He manages to be an adversary of both the Hero Association and the Monster Association, being completely independent, despite his admiration for monsters.

Garou is a former student of Bang, but ended up being expelled by him after causing a disturbance in his dojo. The “Human Monster”, as he is also known, is seen as a great threat to the organization of heroes and even though he is only human, he is among the most well-built and powerful characters in the anime.

Speed-o'-Sound Sonic

Character with a black coat and black hair with dark circles under his eyes and a defiant look
Illustrative Image: Speed O Sound Sonic

Speed-o'-Sound Sonic, known simply as Sonic, is a mercenary ninja who becomes one of Saitama's most persistent rivals, albeit often in a comical manner due to the circumstances of his defeats. His speed and agility are unmatched, allowing him to move faster than the eye can follow, a skill he uses for both lightning-fast attacks and strategic dodges.

Ever since his first humiliating defeat by Saitama, Sonic has developed an obsession with defeating him, which leads him to constantly seek new limits in his ninja training. In relation to his initial vengeful motivations, frequent interactions with Saitama have influenced his views on strength and justice, though he never completely abandons his desire to surpass the bald hero.


Cyborg character
Illustrative Image: Genos

Among the main characters of One Punch Man, Genos is a cyborg and disciple of Saitama, who combines his admiration for his master with a desire for revenge against a mysterious cyborg who devastated his hometown and his family. He is a 19-year-old cyborg who ends up becoming a student of Saitama, aiming to become stronger to also fight for good and justice.

This worked out well, as Genus managed to join the Hero Association and is currently the 14th-ranked S-Class, codenamed “Demon Cyborg.” From the beginning, Genos stands out not only for his combat prowess, but also for his unwavering loyalty to Saitama, whom he considers the ideal hero. With powers that include flamethrowers and mechanical arms capable of multiple transformations, Genos is always at the forefront of combat technology.

His enhancements are frequently updated by Dr. Kuseno, the scientist who saved him and transformed him into a cyborg. Through these enhancements, Genos seeks to not only increase his strength, but also to understand the balance between power and responsibility. One of Genos' most iconic moments occurs during his confrontation with Mosquito Girl, where he nearly sacrifices himself to protect civilians.


Female character using powers
Illustrative Image: Fubuki

Finally a female character on our list of One Punch Man main characters! Fubuki She is the younger sister of another character, named Tatsumaki, and is a Class B heroine, ranking 1st in her category. She also leads a group called Blizzad, formed mostly by Class B characters, like her. With psychic powers, she and her sister stand out throughout the work and are among the most popular names in the series.


Female character with green eyes and hair
Illustrative Image: Tatsumaki

Tornado of Terror, whose real name is Tatsumaki, is one of the most powerful heroines of the S-Class Hero Association, ranking 2nd among the main characters of One Punch Man. She is able to manipulate objects and people with her mind, which allows her to lift and throw huge masses and barriers with apparent ease. Her strength is such that she is often called upon to deal with the most formidable threats that appear.

Small and seemingly fragile, Tatsumaki makes up for her stature with a fierce and temperamental personality. She is extremely protective of her younger sister, Fubuki, also a hero, though often her protectiveness seems more domineering than supportive.

One of Tatsumaki's most impactful moments in the anime occurs during the alien invasion led by Boros, where she demonstrates her combat ability by lifting all the rubble from the devastated battlefield, using it as resources against her adversaries.


Main character of One Punch Man
Illustrative Image: Saitama

We come to the protagonist and the most important character on our list of One Punch Man's main characters: Saitama, whose extraordinary strength allows him to defeat any opponent with a single blow. He joined the Hero Association and is part of Class B, being 7th in the ranking (even though he doesn't deserve this position).

Before becoming a hero, Saitama was an ordinary citizen who decided to change his life after a fateful encounter with a monster. Due to this event, he underwent intense training for three years, during which he lost all of his hair. The result was an unparalleled strength, which, despite solving the problem of defeating villains with ease, left a void due to the lack of real challenges.

Saitama's most memorable moments include his unexpected defeat of a giant monster in the presence of Genos, his cyborg disciple, who is immediately fascinated by his impressive strength. Another highlight is his battle against Lord Boros, the leader of an invading alien race, which testifies to the limits of Saitama's strength when he is forced to use his "Normal Hit Series" followed by a "Serious Hit".


These are the 11 main characters of One Punch Man and they all stand out not only for their abilities and powers, but also for their trajectories throughout the story. The manga and anime have not yet finished, so there is nothing stopping new characters from appearing in the story and, perhaps, Saitama will find an opponent worthy of him.

If you like this type of content focused on anime and manga, be sure to also check out our articles on The 7 Most Cruel Anime Villains Ever e the best anime for beginners! Right after the YouTube video, there are some frequently asked questions that you might find interesting.

YouTube video

Frequently Asked Questions:

Who is the strongest character in “One Punch Man”?

Saitama is, without a doubt, the strongest character in the anime, capable of defeating any opponent with a single blow.

Can Genos ever get revenge on the cyborg who destroyed his hometown?

At the current point in the series, Genos is still on the hunt for the mysterious cyborg and his journey of revenge continues.

Why is Saitama so powerful?

The exact reason for Saitama's immense strength is intentionally vague and humorous: he claims that he became powerful through a rigorous training regimen consisting of 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10 km run every day for three years.

Is there a second season of “One Punch Man”?

Yes, "One Punch Man" already has a second season, which continues to explore the adventures of Saitama and the other heroes of the Hero Association.

What is the role of the Hero Association?

The Hero Association is an organization that ranks and employs heroes to fight monsters and other threats. They are responsible for maintaining order and security, classifying heroes into different tiers based on their skills and contributions.

Flavia Pedro
Historian graduated from UFF - Universidade Federal Fluminense, is a member of the Anime Dicria project, in Rio de Janeiro and works as an SEO Writer on the portal Nerd Popular, with texts published in several blogs, inside and outside Brazil. In addition, he creates content about anime and manga in his spare time.

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