How to Get Perfect Pelt in Red Dead Redemption 2

Practical tips for hunting, preparing and enhancing your pelts in the game!

Red Dead Redemption 2 is becoming one of the most popular open-world games, and one of the main activities in this game is hunting. It offers a true immersion in the wild world of the Wild West, bringing surprising details. In addition to being a source of food and resources, hunting is also important for the player's progress, and that's why today we're going to teach you how to get perfect pelt in Red Dead Redemption 2!

It is worth remembering that getting perfect leather in Red Dead Redemption 2 is a task that requires a lot of skill and the right resources. In addition, they are items of great value, both for creating clothes and for maintaining equipment or selling in markets. Knowing all this, we will now give you a complete guide so that you can get perfect leather in Red Dead Redemption 2! Let's go?

Choose Perfect Hunting Animals

The game character, dressed as a cowboy, is hunting some servants in the forest using a bow and arrow
Illustrative Image: Hunting scene / Source Google Images

To achieve perfect pelt in Red Dead Redemption 2, there are some specific factors that need to be followed. Let's list them below:

  • Find an animal to hunt that has a “perfect hunt” rating. Identifying an animal with this rating is quite easy, as three stars will also appear next to its name, indicating the quality of the hunt;
  • Choose your resources and ammunition wisely. Consider the size, type and weight of the animal so that you can choose the appropriate tools for slaughter;
  • Finally, always try to hit the animal's vital organs to ensure a perfect kill, without pain or damaging the hide. To see the animal's vital organs, maximize your Dead Eye skill to make hunting easier. But remember: Dead Eye is not very useful on small animals.

Animal slaughter can be done with any tool and ammunition, but it is recommended that you avoid more explosive ammunition, so that it does not affect your goal of getting perfect pelt in Red Dead Redemption 2. The best resource for hunting without damaging the animal's pelt is the good old bow and arrow.

Remember that there are two options to get perfect pelt in Red Dead Redemption 2: through a critical hit (hitting vital organs like lungs and stomach) or a fatal hit (hitting the animal's brain or heart).

Know the Right Resources for Hunting

Game character, dressed as a cowboy, is carrying a slaughtered animal on his back in the snow
Illustrative Image: Arthur carrying a carcass / Source Google Images

You, as a player, will not go out hunting without the help of the server. In fact, when you go out to get perfect skin in Red Dead Redemption 2, a dialog box will appear where you can check if it is an animal with a perfect hunting rating, as well as receive tips on what you need to use to hunt it. For example:

  • Small animals such as snakes, squirrels, frogs or ducks need to be brought down with a device such as a small hunting arrow.
  • for moderate animals, such as rabbits, badgers, hawks and raccoons, killing can be done using a rifle;
  • Medium-sized animals, such as foxes, beavers and coyotes, should be killed with a bow and arrow or a clean shot.
  • and finally, larger animals such as deer, servals, cougars and more will only receive a perfect kill if the player hits a vital organ with a sniper rifle.

In other words: the choice of the ideal resource will depend not only on the player's judgment, but also on their ability to study the animal in their sights.


Main character using a knife to defeat a wolf
Illustrative Image: Hunting a wolf / Source Google Images

These are the main tips and advice to be followed by players who want to get a good result in their hunts. To kill animals and get perfect skin in Red Dead Redemption 2, the user needs to use his intelligence to identify the game animals and, of course, have the best choices about how the kill should be done.


The Red Dead Online game will be available for PC, PS4 and Xbox One. The PS4 and Xbox One versions will also be playable on the PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series, but only via backwards compatibility. And if you are a fan of the games who always wants to be up to date with the best tips and have access to the best guides, be sure to check out our articles on 11 Tips for Beginners in Red Dead Redemption 2 e Roblox's 7 Best Anime Games in 2024.

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Flavia Pedro
Historian graduated from UFF - Universidade Federal Fluminense, is a member of the Anime Dicria project, in Rio de Janeiro and works as an SEO Writer on the portal Nerd Popular, with texts published in several blogs, inside and outside Brazil. In addition, he creates content about anime and manga in his spare time.

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