Dueling in Red Dead Redemption 2 can be one of the most exciting tasks in the game, mainly because it is an activity that requires precision, great reflexes, strategy and knowledge of the correct commands. These confrontations are a fundamental and iconic part of the Wild West universe, so how about learning the step-by-step guide on how to duel in Red Dead Redemption 2? Discover tips on the correct use of the targeting system and techniques to overcome these challenges!
How to Find Duel Side Quests

Games usually feature a main story, which we follow through the protagonist and other characters. However, there are side missions that, in addition to introducing you to more about the universe, can be parallel ways to develop in the game and evolve your character. Check out how to get one of the game's main side missions below:
- The side mission is called “Gunslingers.” Once you reach the new camp in Chapter 2 of the story, it will be unlocked for you;
- Travel to the town called Valentine and enter the smallest bar/saloon you can find;
- Call the character named Theodore Levin for a conversation and, at the table, and receive the quest;
- This mission will take longer, as you will need to go after gunmen in different locations. The cities are: Flaco Hernandez, Emmet Granger, Billy Midnight, Black Belle and Slim Grant;
- The mission consists of photographing your targets, alive or not, to prove to Levin that you have found them. Theodore Levin himself will hand you the camera.
Tip 1

The Wild West is a hostile and dangerous place, where many disputes are settled by whoever has the best aim and the most accurate trigger. That's why dueling in Red Dead Redemption 2 is so important, since you'll face duels for a variety of reasons and situations. Some of them are:
- Several missions throughout the game will involve duels;
- There is a chance that you will be challenged to duels as your fame increases. The more famous the dueler is, the more likely he or she will be challenged by those who want to become famous;
- If you are caught cheating in games like poker, your opponent will likely challenge you to a duel;
- You can also be challenged if you knock someone down with your horse, but this is much rarer.
Tip 2

Before dueling in Red Dead Redemption 2, you should know that there is a score in duels and you need to understand how this sum of points is calculated. Note that, when you start the duel, there will be two bars (one red and one blue) in the bottom right corner of the screen. The red one is your opponent's score and the blue one is yours.
To secure victory, you'll need to raise your score on your bar before your opponent, then aim for the head or chest and wait for the right moment to fire your shots. This set of attitudes will earn you lots of points!
Tip 3

To duel in Red Dead Redemption 2, the keys on the controllers may be different depending on your console model, but basically you need to use the feature at the right time. To do this, you will press the LT button on the Xbox 360 or the L2 button on the PS3, but be careful: press this button only when requested, or the camera will move away and make it harder for you to aim.
Tip 4

To duel in Red Dead Redemption 2, you'll need to learn how to aim. To do this, use the right directional button on your controller to adjust your aim, focusing on your opponent's head or chest. Avoid areas such as legs or stomach, as they don't increase the bar. You can also choose to aim at the hand your opponent is holding the resource, as this will increase your honor for disarming them, but note that you can't use this option in official story duels.
Tip 5

If you want to be successful when dueling in Red Dead Redemption, always pay attention to the color of the aiming reticle, as it varies depending on the accuracy and the number of points you will achieve. If the reticle is red and larger, it means that your score will be low, but if the reticle is small and white, the shots are effective and useful.
Tip 6

If you decide to aim at your opponent's hand holding the weapon, keep in mind that it needs to be an accurate shot and that this is very difficult to do. When dueling in Red Dead Redemption 2, the aiming reticle will turn white and your bar will fill up completely. At that moment, shoot. However, if you don't hit the target on the first two attempts, try to change your strategy and quickly try to hit the head or chest to win the fight.
Tip 7

When dueling in Red Dead Redemption, it is important to keep in mind that the number of shots available to each dueler is defined by the type of resource each one has chosen. Thus, depending on the resource selected, you may have up to six bullets for the attempt. Always keep an eye on the number of bullets used and how many are left.

Exciting and dangerous, dueling in Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the most intense experiences in the game and its players are certainly always trying to outdo each other in terms of aim, precision and speed. By following our tips you will easily do well and increase your points in the game. And, if you like content about games, be sure to check out our articles on 11 Tips for Beginners in Red Dead Redemption 2 e list of the best games of the new generation.