Nick Narukame
I got my degree in Literature from the Fluminense Federal University and, since 2011, I've been contributing articles and essays on geek culture to various specialized online and print publications. My interest extends to areas such as dramas, manga, cosplay, games and, of course, chocolate. I am currently an active contributor to Nerd Popular and other digital platforms.
Best Open World Games

The 12 Best Open World Games Ever!

The possibility of choosing which missions to do and being able to do the main story at another time while focusing on exploration ...

Best Superhero Movies

The 13 Best Superhero Movies of All Time!

A good superhero movie is almost always synonymous with big box office. The genre has always been very popular among ...

Functions That Exist For iPhone

Functions That Exist for the iPhone That You Don't Know About!

The number of functions available for the iPhone is constantly growing. With each new update from Apple, the company ...

Jujutsu Kaisen's Strongest Characters

The 9 Strongest Jujutsu Kaisen Characters

Finding out which are the strongest characters in Jujutsu Kaisen is not an easy task. The anime has conquered the ...

Elden Ring's Toughest Bosses

Elden Ring's Hardest Bosses: Ranked!

And what was already difficult has become even more so! Since the release of the Shadow of the Erdtree expansion, the ...

These are the 13 most-watched anime in the world

These Are The 13 Most Watched Animes In The World

The world of anime is expanding more and more, but the most-watched anime in the world remain pretty much the same ...

Two characters from the walking dead together

Check out the list of main characters from The Walking Dead

Despite the series coming to an end in 2022, the main characters of The Walking Dead continue to occupy a ...

Mad Max Movies In Chronological Order

how to watch the Mad Max movies in chronological order

Since the films in the franchise weren't released one after the other and have different actors, watching Mad ...

Marvel heroes all together

The 11 Best Marvel Heroes Without Superpowers, Ranked

Did you know that there are Marvel heroes without superpowers? In the universe of comics produced by the company, having special powers is ...

Meet all the main characters from Prison Break

Meet All the Main Characters of Prison Break

Are you interested in finding out more about the main characters in Prison Break? You've come to the right place! This ...